Friday, April 20, 2012

This post is dedicated to a very special person to me :-) Every time I see him, my breath is taken away. He is such a HUGE inspiration to me in my daily life. His work ethic, big heart, and free spirit are among some of the characteristics that attract me to him. I consider him the sexiest/most beautiful man on the planet. Even if the world turns against him, I will always have his back. He is such a huge inspiration to men of color, and Asian men specifically. I came across these pictures (figuratively and literally ;-)) and I was VERY happy to find that he is a candidate to be posted on my blog. This very special post is dedicated to my husband ;-),
Guy Tang
One day, I'll have a LOT more pictures and do a megapost :-)
You can find out more about him by visiting his website at
Check out the Promises 2 video ;-)


  1. Where did you get some of those photos?

  2. I find them all over the internet. Are you talking about any specifically?
